Angton City Hall

From Wiki

Building information

insert image caption here EG: This is a picture of the build.

Name of build: Angton City Hall
Build coordinates: X 16839, Y -22959
Creator(s): ArrowsMaster
Warp: /warp angtonhall

Angton City Hall - is a city hall of Metropolis of Angton created by ArrowsMaster in May 2024. The build contains settlement and building rules, guides, offices and a historic section. Angton City Hall also serves as a seat of Angton's Mayor John Forderson.


First ArrowsMaster, planned to ask someone who is a professional designer to build a City Hall. A player called KLR22 agreed to build it, but his proposed City Hall was too big. So ArrowsMaster decided to build it by himself. Even through being not a good build designer, he built a building with a very good exterior which now is one of the most iconic Angton's builds.