Spawn - The Hole

The ‘Spawn Hole’ is the present spawn location on the Crazy-Fools UK Survival Server map. It is also known as steampunk spawn, and was largely designed by moderator Droid225.
The hole was made after the server was updated to Minecraft version 1.18 revealing large cave systems beneath the ground. A new spawn location was sought after until moderators Timeno and TheGgamer123 settled on the idea of blowing up a gigantic hole to the north east of the spawn at the time. The hole was planned to be the centrepiece of the new spawn location, and it still continues to achieve this effect today.
"When we started creating new spawn, it was a somewhat excuse to blow something up while also exploring the new update. I designed it to resemble a hole with a huge tree spanning the middle. After advice from Droid225, we modified the design to include a small tree off to the side and blow a hole to bedrock. It has been great to see the spawn develop the way it has especially the underground market and areas such as the skyscraper district". - Timeno