Crashed Star Destroyer

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Revision as of 19:59, 6 September 2024 by Shield543 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Building | image = CrashedStarDestroyer.png | buildName = Crashed Star Destroyer | xCoord = -2264 | zCoord = -5029 | creator = Shield543 }} '''Crashed Star Destroyer''' is the name of a build created by player Shield543 depicting a Star Wars imperial class star destroyer crashed into the sand. The build is located to the north of Spawn The build is unique in that it does not follow the traditional rectilinear building format of most Mine...")
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Building information

Image of building

Name of build: Crashed Star Destroyer
Build coordinates: -2264, -5029
Creator(s): Shield543
Warp: Unknown warp

Crashed Star Destroyer is the name of a build created by player Shield543 depicting a Star Wars imperial class star destroyer crashed into the sand. The build is located to the north of Spawn

The build is unique in that it does not follow the traditional rectilinear building format of most Minecraft builds. The awkward angle of the build was achieved by porting a rotated 3D model of a star destroyer into a Minecraft-friendly schematic.