Acacia Park
Acacia Park is a town in Arboria on the Crazy Fools UK Survival Server map.

The town was started by player Shield543 in 2020 and contains buildings in Victorian and Georgian architectural styles.
The town is an aesthetic building project rather than a natural town where players reside and was created to explore the recreation of historical architectural styles within Minecraft.
The town is located at the approximate coordinates 13,000, -23,000 and is reachable by an in-game warp acaciapark
or by following the Great North Road from spawn.
The town has many features including a town hall with rules and a hall to honour players who have made contributions to the town by building structures. Other facilities available in the town include several farms, some houses and a research institute.
Acacia Park is also the home of the Temple of Janus, the main temple associated with the player group End Corp.