Eldorian Kingdom


Eldorian Kingdom (EK or E.K.) also known as Eldoria - is a Crazy Fools country. It's a constitutional monarchy of 3 provinces, special royal district of Angton and of Eldorian Colonial Territories. The Kingdom is centred in Metropolis of Angton, its biggest and most populated settlement which is reachable with /warp angton. Eldoria has a large agricultural industry, well developed settlements and powerful economy.This country is created in December 19th 2023 and ruled by ArrowsMaster (It's creator). Eldorian Kingdom's Youtube channel is here.
Eldorian Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. Royal Government of Eldoria consists of the King in the head of a state, Royal Parliament with four chambers, Royal Cabinet with a Premier Minister in it's head and of 11 ministries. All Eldorian provinces (Royal State, Arrowsford and Kinsk State) have their own local governments which consist of the mayor in their head and of local councils.

The aim of Eldorian Kingdom is to build a powerful, funny and safe for players community, where everyone is able to act freely. With a King on the head of it's governent Kingdom's goal is also to become one of the most iconic communities in Crazy Fools UK.
Eldorian Kingdom is owner of 8 settlements which are listed below
Other territories are claimed, and work has started in some form:
Once Eldorian Kingdom used to be Eastern Kingdom but ArrowsMaster decided to change it into Eldorian Kingdom. When he didn't know how to rename it, he asked AI to help him. AI suggested to rename it into Eldorian Kingdom.
Beginnings (2023 -2024)
In the beginnings ArrowsMaster was alone with the only city of Kinsk and nothing more. After some time he suggested a player called Krzakplyt to join, and he agreed. Together they built a new city called Arrowston. They were expanding it and after some time a player called OVER9000LORD joined Eldoria and he has founded agricultural industry in the Kingdom. Times were changing, more and more players agreed to join the Kingdom, and it was slowly starting to grow. After some time the first allie of Eldoria, Alleman Empire suggested to help. Because of their Emperor KLR22, not Eldorian Kingdom has got a spawn embassy.

2024 - Present
Eldorian King was also building a headquarters for his Kingdom in Spawn Skyscraper district. After finishing he has made a party for Kingdom's citizens and their friends. Then Kingdom decides to build a new capital called Angton. The city is still under construction and every day Eldorian Kingdom does everything to develop itself in the international arena.
Applying to join
Every Crazy Fools player who has got 5 points can join Eldorian Kingdom by apllying in /warp ekapply. To make an application, take there a spare book, and fill it by using the example. After some time you will recive an answer. After completing the joining ceremony, you will become an Eldorian citizen.

Dyplomatic relations
Eldorian Kingdom is a non-agression friendly community which has no enemies.
- None
Here are listed all 14 members of Eldorian Kingdom