Union of Moon Lagoon Territories

The Union of Moon Lagoon Territories is a group of settlements created by the player CodeLunar, centred on a mushroom island converted into a community of houses near CodeLunar's base, the Lunar Volcano. The main settlement can be accessed via /warp moon. The YouTube channel can be accessed by clicking here.
The UMLT comprises of many territories. They are listed here:
- Moon Lagoon (aka Isla de la Luna, and capital of the UMLT)
- Dmitriev
- Brietown (formerly Russia)
- Taos
- Estonia
- Anterburg
Other territories are claimed, and work has started in some form:
- Spawntown
- Sun Lagoon
- Capitol
- Swamptown (found west of Moon Lagoon)

Moon Lagoon was founded on the 13th of October 2021 when CodeLunar and Raelon225 were working on Lunar Volcano, and a player called Cymock (known as Solfe at the time) joined, and was invited to reside on the mushroom island. This later expanded, as players such as NewbieBR123, Sodawimp, CookieByte, and Chemkin also joined. The houses were made using Polished Deepslate and Dark Oak Planks, in a form similar to an oak village.
There was an increase in demand for housing, so CodeLunar and Sesquipedxlixn built a more rustic-looking settlement on the south side on the island, which today clashes with the older, preserved settlement. Other structures, such as the Crescent Castle and Town Hall popped up around the same time.
During this, PureClark (now DemonDen) joined the server, and when he started a village, the alliance bonded his town, Dmitriev, into the newly formed UMLT. This then expanded with more settlements such as Brietown (formerly Russia).
During this time, Moon Lagoon's main settlement on the island expanded and led to more experienced players, rather than new players, being added to Moon Lagoon. Therefore, citizenship consists of around 40 members, making around 14% of total members part of Moon Lagoon.
Diplomacy and Relations
Moon Lagoon is considered neutral in ideology, and seeks peace between nations. Therefore there are a number of Diplomatic Relations, in categories of Allies, Non-Aggression, and Enemies, with new factions and settlements that haven't been contacted.
- Oakville
- Union of Trexlergradian Republics
- State of Aether
- Acacia Park
- Eldorian Kingdom
- The Heartlands
- Alleman Empire
- None