The Heartlands

From Wiki


Flag of The Heartlands

The Heartlands is a republic primarily ran by P0LICY with help from V.P and head of HL Defense Ministry Raelon225. The country's capital New Austin being the first city and the one mostly worked on.


The Heartlands is the owner of 4 settlements/towns which are listed below


New Austin

2024 - Present

The Heartlands started as a small project to build a ranch/farm on a little mushroom island, P0LICY ,called New Austin. But after the then 1 week founder of this settlement was amazed by other nations he decided to build his own.

Applying to join

Every Crazy Fools player who has got 5 points can join The Heartlands by simply asking P0LICY for a citizenship interview or by going to the spawn embassy (/warp HLapply) and complete an application. After that you will be added to the citizen list

Diplomatic relations

The Heartlands is a non-aggression friendly community which has no enemies.

The Heartlands - Eldorian Kingdom alliance




  • None


Here are listed all of the players with citizenship